Becoming a Versatile Woman

We are in a time when home has become a one stop shop. Just when we thought that we only had to wear many hats, now add about three more. Though things may have gotten a little tougher, know that it is only a season in our life, that’s here for a time. 

I myself happen to be going through the same thing. My life of wife, educator, and socialite quickly changed to wife, stay at home mother, and now pandemic survivor within a year and a half. I had so many unfinished tasks, such as last year of being a doctoral candidate and wanting to start a new business. I thought I would just table it for now. Something came over me after months of uncertainty. I had a revelation! I could stay dormant, or I could pivot and plan for and through this season, and become the versatile woman I had always been. That’s where I am now, a work in progress but versatile to my season!

I believe we should embrace the current season. We should do our best to incorporate them in our plans and desires. Whether they be long or short, uncomfortable or bearable, they are our key to our versatility, and the versatile woman we want to be!

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